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Trash to Treasure Creature

In Monday's photo of the week, I showed a T2T creature that I spotted at my father-in-law's house. Here are a few more shots of it. I love junk art, but I'm just not handy with stuff like welders, so I don't know how to make them. I do know how to run many power tools, but this falls outside of my ability.
It's made from a sprinkler (as one reader already guessed) plus a few other parts. The back is the head of a shovel and then I think the legs may have come from a bicycle or something like that.
 I can't really figure out if the feet came from an old fork or not. I'm just guessing, but they sort of resemble silverware.

One thing I didn't notice...I should have dusted it before I shot the pictures. Oops. Didn't notice it had a layer of "fur".

1 comment:

  1. I love it. I would never have looked at those individual items and seen something else. I'm glad you shared this picture.



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