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What Would You Do Wednesday - Vintage Lunch Box

Today's WWYD comes from one of my readers. Aimee writes, "I have my “old” Holly Hobbie lunch box.  I would like an idea to decorate or reuse it a unique way.  Any ideas would be appreciated."

I had one of these lunch pails too, Aimee! Let's see if we can help Aimee figure out what to do with hers. I can't wait to read your comments. And if you have a photo of something you did with an old lunch box, feel free to send it via e-mail (see the contact tab) and I'll happily post ideas.

I imagine Aimee's lunch box might look something like this one:
or this...
I had this one...


  1. Use it for it's original purpose. Not many people are using metal lunchboxes these days, let alone packing a lunch from home. That's my recommendation!

  2. I collect Holly Hobbie stuff, so I'd display it in my craft room with my plates etc. It would be cute!

  3. One reader sent these comments via e-mail:

    When my Granddaughter was small church was sometimes hard for her. After a bit she would get antsy and bored and wiggle and squirm. So I used this idea: I had a little girls lunchbox with the Smurfs on it. I went out and bought some special Sunday only small toys etc. and put in the box. The only time it came off the shelf was for Sunday Church! She was anxious to open it and play quietly on the pew seat while we enjoyed the service. It worked so well I made one for a Grandson later on. Every once in awhile you can sneak a new item or surprise in for them to discover on Sunday morning.

  4. When I was little I had bad dreams and one thing I would sometimes do to rid my mind of the "monster" that haunted me was repeat something happy over and over. I believe it was the checkered Holly Hobbie lunch box I had and I know this is so random but I used to repeat "Holly Hobbie...Holly Hobbie" over and over until I fell asleep. haha...just happened to find you blog via and the memory flooded in. Love it.



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