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Recycling Bin Inspired - What Would You Do

It's What Would You Do Wednesday and today I'm looking to the recycling bin for inspiration. I've seen some recycling bin inspired crafts before, but how do I say this without sounding harsh and snooty? Some of them are just tacky. Or course one's opinion of tacky is based on personal preference, so one person's tacky is another one's treasure. However, I'm looking for ideas that take items from the recycling bin and turn them into something a little more towards the classy side. 

Tomorrow, on Thrifty Thursday, I'll feature a project that uses two items from my recycling bin. For now, here's your inspiration for WWYD Wednesday. What would you do with any of these items from my recycling bin?
Share your ideas in the comments section below and I'll name a winning idea next week. And if you include a link to your blog, I'll mention your name with a link to your blog when I name the winning idea. 

Have an example of an idea already on your blog? Leave an thumbnail link using the Linky Tools. We'd love to stop by and see the pictures of your idea.


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