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Transformation Tuedsay - Entertianment Center Turned Bench

Browsing around on the net, I find so many wonderful bloggers. This week, I ran across a blog for the first time and I have to feature one of her ideas. Kelli, from Random Thoughts of a Super Mom feature a before and after project last summer that showed exceptional vision.

Most of us would just paint old furniture, or smash it up and use it for firewood. But Kelli made this old entertainment cabinet look new in a way I'd never have dreamed.
Photo belongs to Kelli at Random Thoughts of a Supermom
You'll never believe what she saw in this old piece, but this is what she did...
Photo belongs to Kelli at Random Thoughts of a Supermom
She glued on some wood strips and then painted. Wow!
Photo belongs to Kelli at Random Thoughts of a Supermom
SO, SO amazing. Love it Kelli! Thanks for the inspiration.

Now, readers,  you're just gonna have to pop on over to Kelli's place blog if you want to see the full story with instructions.


  1. That is totally amazing, I am so inspired! Just beautiful, I honestly can't believe the transformation. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  2. This is AMAZING!!!! Thanks for sharing! I'm in awe!



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