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What Would You Do Wednesday- Double

I've been swamped with normal life and haven't been able to keep up on the blog as much as I'd like to. This means, I haven't done a What Would You Do Wednesday (WWYD) feature in a long time! Today, I'll make up for it with a double...two items that have me stumped. 

The first is a gift I received from Christmas from a dear friend. It was filled with bit sized chocolates and candy, and now, I'm looking for some ways I might be able to use it in my home. I can think of a few, but I know my wonderful readers will have even better ones!

I'm not even sure what it would be called exactly. It stands 14 inches tall with the glass stopper in place, so it seems large for a decanter of some sort, but is that what it is?  It's beautiful. So what would you do with it?

The other WWYD feature comes from a T2T reader. She picked up a heap of these scraps of wood from a local manufacturer and sent some to me. They are around 4 inches long and some have holes in them whereas others are just dowels. She wants to know if there is any use for them other than for woodstove kindling.
 Looks like there were going to be handles for something. 

Leave your comments below and tell me what you would do with these. I'll pick a winning idea next week. No prize, but I'll gladly link to your blog if you're the winner.


  1. Maybe they could be jump rope handles?

  2. It's hard to know what would fit in the decanter opening! Scrabble letters, marbles, or even earthy lichen? Regardless, I think it would need a wide ribbon bow tied around the top. Maybe use a cricut die cutter to add a vinyl image, word, or number to the glass front and fill it with sugar color sand.

    Could the dowels be cut into equal wine cork sized chunks, then used to create a trivet?

  3. Love your blog! Ok. I would make a terrarium out of the decanter. I have a link on my blog that I posted about two weeks to make one in a light bulb! Check it out...maybe you could do something like that!

  4. A fishbowl for itty bitty fish? Of course you'll have to hope they don't get too big or they'll never get out...and don't forget to leave the cover off. Or how about something in the bottom to hold a single long candle in place.

  5. @joetterer I love the idea of filling the jar with scrabble letters or marbles. And the idea of putting something on with vinyl is great!

  6. I don't know if you'll read this at this point or not, since it's May now, but you could use it as a decanter in your bathroom for mouthwash.

  7. I'd add some white sand and shells and use the decanter as a centerpiece.

  8. I'd add some sand and shells and use the decanter as a centerpiece.

  9. I'd add some white sand and shells and use the decanter as a centerpiece.



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